This is your safe space to feel
The world can be a noisy and demanding place if we let it. There’s always so much to do, to consume, to manage.
Most of us live with chronic stress or anxiety, which keeps us stuck in a high-functioning survival state. We also struggle to move on from painful experiences and hold onto emotions. This stress and suppression of emotion can manifest as physical symptoms and blocks within the body. On-going back pain? Chronic fatigue? PTSD? Skin flare-ups? The list is endless.
Physical symptoms are our body’s way of telling us that there is an imbalance and something needs to change. Yet, we have become disconnected from our bodies, unaware of the entwined relationship between our mind, body and emotions.
This is where somatic work comes in. Guiding you inwards to learn what your body needs. Which most of the time? Is more balance, more calm and healthier routines. Click here to find out how Somatic sessions can help you.
Somatic work equips you with valuable tools to help you turn down the volume on the outside world.
So you can hear the feedback of your internal world.
I guide people to connect with their internal landscape so they can experience more balance, calm and freedom.
My Story

Over my life I have experienced a range of physical symptoms, from dermatitis to IBS. And as an empath who feels things deeply, I have always struggled to regulate my emotions. I was drawn to Somatic work because I felt exhausted by people pleasing and suppressing my emotions by saying "I'm fine" when I wasn't. I realised that in order to heal, you need to truly feel. In turning inward, I was able to get unstuck and find clarity on who I am and what I want to experience in this lifetime.
Looking back, I can now how my physical symptoms were a manifestation of the stress and trauma I was still holding onto. Overtime, somatic tools have helped me learn how to regulate and release, and become more attuned to my body's needs.
Art continues to play a crucial part of my journey; it is therapy for me. Acting as a sanctuary for emotions to flow freely through paint. A channel for my subconscious.
I have had the privilege of travelling to beautiful parts of the world; turning to the arts for cathartic release; attending therapy, workshops and completing my training as a Integrative Somatic Practitioner, Life Purpose Coach and Yin Yoga teacher (in training).
Yin Yoga
1:1 & group workshops
coming soon ...
1:1 Somatic coaching
A shared somatic experience within a group